Nihao Skittles
I told you I was excited about this post coz I shot in the snow! :)walking in my 6inch thigh highs was more of a mission than I'd imagined but the job was done anyway.Now before I carry on, I wanna recognise my photographer today who shot all images on one hand(left) and carried my niece on the other, my cousin Thulie!Such a Super Mom! It's really been a blessing having family that understands and contributes to my craft.
So I never mentioned that I am currently in the United Kingdom this winter break. The fashion here is CRAZY!.Look out for a more detailed post on my experience thus far but to mention the least, I couldn't ask for better air to breathe!
Anyway, monochrome was the theme of the day with a touch of vogue!A comfortable yet classy look for your nine to five in chilly weather.
I wore my favourite striped cardi-coat over a well fitting black poloneck, a leather skater skirt and leather thigh boots which I wore at knee length intentionally to liberate the whole ensemble.
Nothing compliments winter looks better that a wool textured floppy hat!

Dressed by TresBeautFashionHouse from head to toe.
All items available at a friendly price.
The colours black and white together carry various meanings according to different interpretations, one of which is unity. It bothers me that instead of building one another in strive to see each of us winning, ladies today are out to throw shade, judge and discourage one another.It needs to stop!With that I am ever so thankful for the continued support on social media and otherwise. Till my next post with endless love,
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